Fleet Forecast for Area - E
Issued by the National Meteorological Center, Department of Meteorology Sri Lanka.
Valid period: 2025.01.12/1400UTC to 2025.01.13/0600UTC
Issued at 1200UTC on 2025.01.12
To: CBO Radio/Fisheries/SL Navy/CBO Port/Coast Guard
Shear line is approximately along : 04N 60E, 03N 70E, 04N 80E, 02N 90E, 03N 100E
ITCZ is approximately along : 08S 60E, 06S 70E, 07S 80E, 07S 90E, 06S 100E
OCNL Showers / T'Showers in sections : 00, 10, 15, 25, 35, 70
SCT Showers / T'Showers in sections : 05, 30, 50, 55, 60, 65, 75, 80, 85
ISOL Showers / T'showers elsewhere
North of Shear line: E'ly to NE'ly/ (15-20)kts; gusting up to 25kts in sections 05 and 10; gusting up to (25-35)kts in sections 05 and 15.
In between shear line and ITCZ:
West of 80E : NW'ly to W'ly/ (10-20)kts; gusting up to 25kts in sections 25.
East of 80E : W'ly to NW'ly/ (10-20)kts.
South of ITCZ : SE'ly /(10-20)kts.
Fairly rough, rough at times in section : 05, 15.
Moderate, fairly rough at times in sections : 00, 10, 25.
Moderate in sections : 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85.
Slight to moderate elsewhere.
**Note that seas can be temporarily very rough during thundershowers.
The next Fleet Forecast will be issued at 0000 UTC 2025.01.13